Day 10: The Day of Rest

Today, or rather last night, I got sick and threw up. Very not fun. I blame the chicken. Anyway, since I was feeling sick and gurgly and overall not good, I stayed in the hotel room and slept while Dad went to Petra. He said it was very beautiful and he had a lot of fun. I was perfectly happy to relax or as my dad put it "veg out" (originated from couch potato). So this blog post is gonna be pretty short because I didn't do much except sleep. But I'm feeling better now, as in tonight, although my stomach still feels a bit gurgly. Kids never fake being sick, because Karmas a butthead. Not that I've ever faked being sick, but I have thought about faking it and now Karma.

Can't wait for the Dead Sea tomorrow, but I hope I don't get burnt by the extreme salt water; dad said its like swimming in acid.

View in front of me all day

View to my left all day

View to my right all day


  1. Ugh. I know your pain. I spent Saturday hugging the toilet bowl and then sleeping all day myself... I empathize. I was blaming dinner the night before too but Jenia thinks it was a bug. Give it 24 hours. Veg out.

  2. Glad your feeling better sweetie. Truly love the photos and especially the captions.

  3. just so we're clear, i brought a pharmacy with me. i medicated her immediately for all symptoms and gave a schedule
    of meds through the day... and then of course i left her.

    indiana jones and the last crusade, he finds that city carved into the walls of a cliff - that's petra. its three hours south of amman. it. is. awesome. mind blowing. who builds a city INTO rocks? like a fully functioning commercial center! i felt like the sand people from star wars should be peeping out around every corner. it was miles down a narrow canyon... we took a horse carriage back up. its a full city and takes basically all day to get through.

    jordan is such an unexpected place. it looks like it should either feel tropical or desert, and instead it feels like san diego. its green, rolling hills, huge valleys, perfectly temperate... just with a lot of camels and shawarma and bedouins. love this place. also learned it turns out the topography and features are so cool a bunch of movies get made here, like the martian, and transformers, and basically like a major success every other year.

    also odd thing here, lots of smokers. like 40% penetration. regular tobacco cigarettes. everyone is allowed to smoke inside buildings. i feel like its early 90s north carolina here.

  4. So sorry you weren't feeling well. Sure hope you are feeling better by the time I write this. Can't wait to hear about the dead sea.

  5. Just want to let you know that your blog is our daily dose of Vitamin Emory. Hope you are over this illness and are up and running. Try to avoid uncooked or undercooked food. Also be cautious about the water you put in your mouth including the water you use to brush your teeth. We wrote you comments everyday, but unfortunately they were not published every time.

  6. The worst to be sick while traveling! I am glad you are feeling better and I can't wait to read about the next leg. I love hearing (reading) you talk about your experiences. I can't wait to hear about it this summer!

  7. Sorry Kiddo! And Alan, I'm temerously tempted to temper my jealousy of how often you use Shawara in your posts by heading to Trader Joes.


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