Last Full Day in Houston

From the title you may be able to see that this is my last full day in Houston before the big trip and my return as a changed woman. Being this close to leaving is very nerve-racking and crazy. I am super excited to go on this trip but also nervous about whats to come. What if I get eaten by a bear when trying to find a hidden jungle temple? Or maybe I'll get lost in Italy and have to work in a pizzeria and learn Italian? As I said before super nerve-racking.
Since this is my last day, I had to finish packing and checking and rechecking to make sure I didn't forget anything. One thing I couldn't stop thinking about while packing was how cool my suitcase looks packed and unpacked. The suitcase in general is small but made from fancy waterproof, athletic fabric (I think) and has a bunch of fancy pockets on the inside and outside. Now when it's packed it has all that cool stuff plus the fancy waterproof pouches that I use to pack my clothes. There is a picture of said cool packed suitcase at the bottom.
I also had to pack a mini backpack so I can be prepared for anything. It is also made from fancy waterproof, athletic materials and its black! Which makes it look super professional. Said backpack is also in the pictures below with Coconut, the elephant stuffed animal that will be my faithful companion throughout my adventure around the world.
During my explanation about my snazzy packing materials you may have seen that I mentioned pictures. Which when you look at them you will find that I am in over half of them. Now for my family and close friends, you guys may be surprised to see me in pictures voluntarily. This is because for each of my daily blog posts for this trip, I have been required (by my father) to have three pictures in each post with two of them starring yours truly. Yay! I know my family is so happy to finally have pictures of me that don't involve me ducking or rolling or just flat out running away from the camera.
I hope everyone likes my daily blog posts, which are starting now. I am super excited to go on this new and scary adventure even though I will miss my family and friends very much.

Daddy teaching me the importance of compression while packing

Me, Coconut and my cool backpack

Me and my super snazzy packed luggage


  1. hi all, this is alan. i don't know why google has me nicknamed "The Doctor" in my moniker, and i don't know how to change it. i'm going to post my daily companion posts in the comments section of emory's blog posts, to both defend against teen snark and clarify when she glosses over something that is clearly awesome and deserves more detail. i see she mentioned the elephant. i have spoken to her probably twice a week over the last couple of weeks, to pack and pay attention to the packing list and above all, "pack light." so when she whipped out the elephant, which while not heavy does take up some space, i was good natured about it. in the very next breath, i mentioned other critical items that she may need, like contact lenses and solution. SO SHE CAN SEE. that led to some quick scurrying about as it was clear that she had forgotten entire. ABOUT BEING ABLE TO SEE. as we embark on this journey, let me state that i am sure of only one thing: in the venn diagram of priorities between two humans, the overlapping are is smallest between a teen daughter and a middle aged father. the circles are barely touching. asymptotic. seriously.

    1. BUT do you still have Team Thundersnow stickers on your luggage?? We could have sent you more! :)

    2. Emory - glad to see you're having fun packing and getting ready! Alan, I mean, watch Doctor Who. Being called The Doctor is pretty awesome and appropriate considering your trip around the world!

    3. I will henceforth refer to you as The Doctor. Capital T. Capital D.

  2. This blog is great in so many ways.


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