Day 8: The Day of Long Pants

Today we are doing our one and only scavenge day in Abu Dhabi. Since we decided to be more laid back about the rest of the trip and not turn in a score sheet, today was so much more fun.

First thing we did today was...... Ferarri World! That was where we went on the fastest rollercoaster. The building was super nice and big with some turbo go karts, slides and obstacle courses. The rollercoaster was out in the back and it was huge and twirly. We stayed in line for awhile like any rollercoaster but standing in line just made my dad more nervous. Dad was freaking out more than me because he hasn't been on a rollercoaster in awhile.

Anyway, we finally got on the rollercoaster and I was locked and loaded. As soon as we started it shot off at 150 miles per hour. I thought my face was flying off. It dropped within the first five seconds and so did my stomach. I kinda forgot about my stomach after that, I was too busy screaming some Pg-13 stuff. Mom don't get mad cause dad was saying the same thing. After the ride finished I was so energetic. Dad on the other hand, he handled it like any man his age would; he had weird tummy feelings for the next two hours and kept saying "never again," so typical dad reaction, I think.

After that we went to the prettiest mosque in Abu Dhabi. Unfortunately, I have no idea what its called, but I do know its based off the Taj Mahal. So it was super pretty and big and fancy and totally what my future house will look like. I wore a dress with a hood thing, which is required if you want to go in. Within the first minute of getting there, I learned that males and females can't touch while there and no posing for photos (just hands down at sides). This is an interesting but reasonable rule. Although, it made me think of what Sydney would do here if she couldn't pose for photos. She'd probably think, "what a nightmare." I know my sister so well. We walked around and it was breathtaking. The only not as breathtaking thing, was the heat. I had to wear long pants today and mixed with the long dress thing, made me super sweaty.  I had knee sweat!  Knee sweat sucks!  Otherwise it was such a great experience.

After the super snazzy Taj Mahal knock-off, we went to the Etihad Hotel, which is one of the tallest buildings in Abu Dhabi. It has 74 floors! That's practically as high as Mount Olympus! Oh also just to let anyone who hasn't been to Abu Dhabi know, the country is super rich. So this hotel, super frickin fancy. It was like a VIP lounge anywhere in the US, but for the public. I felt like royalty and a super rich person, except that I was dressed like a hobo! I know, I'm classy. Anyway, the view was spectacular and you could see everything. If I had Coconut, I totally would've done a Lion King moment. I had a yummy and healthy quiche for lunch. Mother, I am making healthy eating decisions like an adult, so boom shakalaka.

Once we left that fancy hotel, we went to another across the street called, Emirates Palace. That was a FANCY hotel. It used to be a palace for the king/president (?) but now is a hotel for millionaires. It was even fancier than the one before! We had a cappuccino (Dad) and camel milk ice cream (me) with gold on it. Cause that's just how we roll.  The gold was edible! Edible gold! I felt like I should be doing that money flying/throwing thing with cash. If you don't get what that meant, it means I felt like I should be throwing money up in the air and dancing. It was so nice and big and fancy.

After that we went to a fish market and regular market. Nothing too big, just felt like exploring. It was such a nice and relaxing day compared to the others. This is how I wanted to be traveling the world. It was so fun.

Gold Camel Milk Ice Cream

74th Floor

Ferarri World

Big Chandelier 

Ferarri World


  1. Abu dabi BJJ world championship is going on. Did you notice it?

  2. So proud of you! Glad you are having fun and taking advantage of what the trip has to offer. You are experiencing the philosophy of building it because I can, regardless of whether it’s needed.

  3. What an exciting adventure! So glad you got to have a more relaxed day - it sounds like you took full advantage. Very entertaining recap, too.

  4. Noooo! Not the dreaded knee sweat!!! :D

  5. emory ignored the fact we visited the abu dhabi falcon hospital. a HOSPITAL... for FALCONS. because of course. i don't know how to load pics on this new "blog" thing that kids are doing, but we had a WHITE FALCON flapping at emory's face. we found out afterwards that white falcons are the rarest. anyway, that was very cool. so many questions running through your mind... why a hospital for falcons? who has falcons? why? in the desert? what is this place?

    also awesome, the mina fish market. no one speaks english but are SUPER FRIENDLY and interested in educating you about these huge stacks of enormous fish, through pantomime, arabic, and numbers. they had these shrimp that were as large as a baby's forearm. super scary looking, really. i got hyper focused on wanting to eat some and ended up ordering a kilo of them cooked. it turns out that a kilo is a lot of shrimp. room 3509 at the abu dhabi st.regis was left with a huge pile of shrimp.

  6. Super blog! Your mother already knows your dad does more 'PG-13' language than you. Why is your dad wearing the scarf so much? Next time Michelle criticizes my purchasing (it's a given), I will be quick to point out the kilogram of shrimp!


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